Prayers of Confession and Prayers for Each Other

I watched a TV show the other day where a guy made a mistake. The mistake led his wife to file for divorce. The guy requested the help of his older brother, who happened to be a big time attorney in a big city. The attorney brother came to help and negotiate. In the meeting, the attorney started slow, but things got heated. During the screaming, it became apparent that the younger brother hadn’t really told his older brother the whole truth. Now, he wasn’t just guilty, he was REALLY guilty and things got a lot more complicated. 

I’ve been in that position. A minor mistake comes to light. Instead of dealing with it, we’re tempted to cover it up, deny it, or just play dumb. 
Just when you’re hoping things get better, they get worse. Not only are you guilty, but now you’re guilty of a cover up. Or maybe you’re guilty of a large lie that only happened when you tried to cover up the first lie. 
How often have you played that game? Maybe you’re playing it now. You may even be hiding something that has grown to the point where there will be a multiplied impact. 
We do it with each other. The sad part is we also do it with God. 
The book of James addresses both of these. It says:
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. – James 5:16 [ESV]    
Everyone has heard that honesty is the best policy. The hard part is when it follows dishonesty. When we’re dishonest with ourselves, with others, and with God, the best thing we can do is to come clean. Now is better than later. 
Confessing our sins to one another is not easy. Confessing our sins to God is not easy either. But still, this is the only way to forgiveness and healing. In many cases, this is also the only way towards making progress in our relationships. 
Telling the truth is the first step. We are also told that we should pray for one another. We should lift each other up to God, so that he also supports them and their decision making. Ask God for wisdom and forgiveness.
Here is a prayer of confession and prayer for each other:
Gracious and loving heavenly Father,
I come to you a broken spirit.
I pray to ask your forgiveness for my mistakes. I am sorry for the lies. I’m ashamed and sad. Please forgive me.
Give me the wisdom to make better decisions. Help me make amends with those around me. Be Lord over this situation and take control. I love you and trust you.
Please be with everyone I come into contact with. My team, friends, partner, and loved ones. Please lift them up so that they have your wisdom. Give them peace. Give them blessings. Give them mercy.
God I ask for your help as I go forward. Please use my situation in your will and for your purposes. 
Make me a better friend, worker, and person. Help me to make better decisions, and forgive me when I slip.
I love you Lord, amen.